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Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the Organizing committee, it is a great pleasure to invite you to Lublin/POLAND 2024 for the Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Days, with the theme, “How to deliver patient safety-centered multidisciplinary care in pediatric gynecology”. This meeting is an outstanding opportunity to receive the latest news on pediatric and adolescent gynecological health and multidisciplinary care in pediatric gynecology.

The PAG days are not only meant for OBGYN specialists. All allied health care professions are welcomed including pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists, general practitioners, psychiatrists, emergency medicine specialists, midwives and psychologists. The first day of the meeting is devoted to undergraduate and postgraduate trainees, who will have opportunity to present their research and learn during simulated-based workshops and case studies presentations.

Prof. Anna Torres, MD, PhD
Chief of Department Of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Medical University od Lublin


Thursday | 19th of September

7:50 am

Opening and welcome from the Organizing Committee

8.00 - 11.00 am

SESSION 1 - Oral presentations: original research and case reports
Session chair: Anna Torres, Ewa Woźniakowska, Karolina Frąszczak, Inna Bachynska

11.00 - 12.00 pm

Lunch break

12.00 - 3.00 pm

SESSION 2: Simulation education in PAG as important step in patient safety
Parallel Workshops
Workshop A: Simulation-based workshops - clinical scenarios (A Torres, A Vash-Margita, M Horodeńska, J Brodowska, G Witkowski)
Workshop B: Skills lab - vessels suturing using animal tissues (P Ziober-Malinowska and the team)
Workshop C: "Code Pink - a girl to be admitted: an interdisciplinary approach” (J Krysa, R Ziętek, A Pieczykolan, T Baran, A Bień)

3.00 - 3.30 pm

Coffee break

3.30 - 6.00 pm

SESSION 3: Case discussion and Clinical Reasoning Session (Trainees' session)
Trainees case presentation.
Each case followed by the discussion with the input from other residents and experienced panelists

Friday | 20th of September

8.00 - 10.30 am

SESSION 4: “We do not work in isolation”: Interprofessionalism and Education in PAG
Session chair: Beata Rybojad, Tarkowski Rafał, Magdalena Horodeńska, Paula Adams-Hillard
  1. 08:00-08:30 Evelin Ross: “Interprofessional learning in PAG” (on-line)
  2. 08:30-09:00 Yasmin Jayasanghie: “Implementation of paediatric and adolescent oncofertility using a learning health system” (on-line)
    (University of Melbourne, Australia)
  3. 09:00-09:30 Zana Bumbuliene: “Androgen-producing tumor in adolescent girl”
    (Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, Litwa)
  4. 09:30-10:00 Beata Rybojad: “Speaking across the drapes: communication of pediatric anesthesiologists and gynecologists in preparing girls for gynecological procedures”
  5. 10:00-10:30 Magdalena Horodeńska: “Patient safety - general aspects and definitions”
    (Lublin, Poland)

10.30 - 1.00 pm

SESSION 5: “To operate or not to operate”
Session chair: Paweł Miotła, Patrycja Ziober-Malinowska, Karina Kapczuk
  1. 10:30-11:00 Dvora Bauman: “To operate or not to operate , that's the question? How to manage cases of dermoid cyst, endometriosis and others”
    (Hadassah University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)
  2. 11:00-11:30 Rafał Tarkowski: “Malignant germ cell tumors as an incidental finding after cystectomy - how to safely manage pediatric patient?”
    (Medical University of Lublin, Poland)
  3. 11:30-12:00 Alla Vash Margita: “Mullerian anomalies: symptomatology, diagnosis and approach to management”
    (Yale University, USA)
  4. 12:00-12:30 Irene Dingeldein: “One, two or no uterus: Genital malformation and the consequences for the young girl” (on-line)
  5. 12:30-12:45 Zoran Stankowić: “The key ultrasonographic sign for ovarian preservation" (recorded lecture)
    (Mother and Child Health Care Institute of Serbia “Dr Vukan Čupić”)

1.00 - 2.00 pm

Lunch break

2.00 - 4.00 pm

SESSION 6: “Common and rare medical problems in PAG”
Session chair: Tomasz Paszkowski, Alla Vash Margita, Dvora Bauman
  1. 02:00-02:30 Zuzanna Niżańska: “Vulvar disorders in pediatric and adolescent patients”
    (University of Bratislava, Slovakia)
  2. 02:30-03:00 Inna Bachynska: ”Amenorrhea: a multidisciplinary health problem in pediatric patients”
  3. 03:00-03:30 Katarzyna Żuchowska: “Meeting the needs of adolescent patients with breast anomalies: how a plastic surgeon can contribute”
  4. 03:30-04:00 Iwona Beń-Skowronek: “Management of a newborn with differences in sex development (DSD)” (recorded lecture)

4.00 - 4.45 pm

Keynote Lecture | Prof. Paula Adams-Hillard

4.45 - 5.00 pm

Coffee break

5.00 - 7.00 pm

SESSION 7: “Let's talk about sex…: Sexual Health and Psychology”
Session chair: Zuzanna Niznanska, Justyna Krysa, Ewa Woźniakowska
  1. 05:00-05:30 Marisa Labovsky: Let's talk about sexuality. What does Generation Z need from us?” (on-line)
    (President of FIGIJ, Argentina)
  2. 05:30-06:00 Nicole Balint: “Sexual violence: PAG examination according to Adam's classification” (on-line)
    (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
  3. 06:00-06:30 Sofia Tsiapakidou: Education in PAG: The Trainees' Perspective (on-line)
    (President of ENTOG, Greece)
  4. 06:30-07:00 Nikos Vlahos: “Ovarian stimulation and oocyte cryopreservation: how to perform it safely in an adolescent patient”? (on-line)
  5. 07:00-07:30 Justyna Krysa: “An Integrated Approach to Reproductive Health Care for Young Patients - A Midwife's Perspective“
    (Lublin, Poland)


Workshop A

Simulation-based workshops - clinical scenarios

A Torres, A Vash‑Margita, M Horodeńska, J Brodowska, G Witkowski

During the workshop trainees will gain or master competencies necessary to manage a pediatric and adolescent patient with various gynecologic disorders.
Each participant will be faced with two scenarios: one medical and one surgical.
Scenarios will be performed in the high-fidelity environment with participation of simulated patients and confederates. Collaboration with the interdisciplinary team will be required.
Before the scenarios the participants will be acquainted with the simulation environment and the equipment. Additional readings will be provided upon acceptance.
Simulation sessions will conclude with the debriefing and reflection session.

Workshop B

Skills lab: vessels suturing using animal tissues

P Ziober‑Malinowska, A Kwiatkowska‑Makuch, J Majchrzak, T Łatkiewicz

During the workshop participants will gain or master skills necessary for vascular repair.
The hands-on workshop will be conducted by experienced gynecologist who regularly perform such procedures in their own surgical practice, ensuring realistic and practical training. Training provides practical experience using animal tissues that closely replicate the structure of human blood vessels. Multiple successful sessions have already been conducted with participants form around the world. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance skills and expand knowledge.

The payment for the workshop is 40 €.

Workshop C

"Code Pink - a girl to be admitted: an interdisciplinary approach”

J Krysa, R Ziętek, A Pieczykolan, T Baran

The Code Pink - a girl to be admitted is a communication workshops that aims to improve the communication skills of the medical team: midwives, nurses and doctors in various situations of admitting young patients to the pediatric gynecology ward. Participants will work on effective communication with the patient, her parents and the medical team in three different clinical scenarios.


Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Anna Torres
Alla Vash-Margita
Ewa Woźniakowska
Joanna Brodowska
Karolina Rasoul-Pelińska
Joanna Pycka
Kamil Torres
Jan Korulczyk
Magdalena Horodeńska
Grzegorz Witkowski
Rafał Tarkowski
Patrycja Ziober-Malinowska
Renata Ziętek
Justyna Krysa
Marcin Kruszelnicki
Piotr Marciniak

Anna Torres
Alla Vash-Margita
Paweł Miotła
Kamil Torres
Ewa Woźniakowska
Joanna Brodowska
Karolina Rasoul-Pelińska
Kamil Torres
Magdalena Horodeńska
Rafał Tarkowski
Patrycja Ziober-Malinowska
Beata Rybojad
Justyna Krysa

Organizing Committee

Anna Torres
Alla Vash-Margita
Ewa Woźniakowska
Joanna Brodowska
Karolina Rasoul-Pelińska
Joanna Pycka
Kamil Torres
Jan Korulczyk
Magdalena Horodeńska
Grzegorz Witkowski
Rafał Tarkowski
Patrycja Ziober-Malinowska
Renata Ziętek
Justyna Krysa

Scientific Committee

Anna Torres
Alla Vash-Margita
Paweł Miotła
Kamil Torres
Ewa Woźniakowska
Joanna Brodowska
Karolina Rasoul-Pelińska
Kamil Torres
Magdalena Horodeńska
Rafał Tarkowski
Patrycja Ziober-Malinowska
Beata Rybojad
Justyna Krysa


Registration form

For on-line participants the link will be sent 24. hours before the event.

Workshop B - 40€ fee.

Registration info

The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to September 12, 2024.

Registration as a passive participant is possible until September 19th 2024.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is August 30, 2024.

The conference fee is PLN 200 for medical professionals. Student participation is free of charge.

The fee should be paid to the account number:
PL96 1140 1094 0000 4210 7800 1014 - in PLN (mBank)
PL50 1020 3147 0000 8202 0084 6253 - in EUR (PKO BP S.A.)
In the transfer title, please enter: PAG Days, name and surname.
The recipient is the Medical University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie 1 20-059 Lublin.

Please send confirmation of the transfer of the conference fee to the organizer via e-mail no later than 19 th 2024, failure to confirm the transfer will result in the participant being removed from the list of participants.

Rules for Abstract submission

Abstracts should be sent in English to the e-mail address with annotation in the title: "Abstract for student session" or "Abstract for Resident session".

Each abstract should contain:
Title, list of authors, name of the clinical supervisor in the case of works submitted by students, affiliation, name of the corresponding author,

The maximum number of characters with spaces in the summary is 1000 characters without the title, authors, affiliation.

The Abstract of the original work should include:

  1. Background
  2. Aimd
  3. Materials and method
  4. Results
  5. Conclusions
  6. Each author's contribution to the study

The Abstract of the case report should include:

  1. Introduction: brief background or short description of the clinical problem (disease/symptom)
  2. Case description with: essential findings, management, patient outcome and follow-up (with images if relevant and available),
  3. Conclusion: a rationale for the treatment used in the case management, a brief recall of similar cases in the literature (eg. how many re-ported), important practice points and/or clinical dilemmas connected to the case.

We also advise the authors to use and be guided with the CARE guidelines for reporting the clinical cases.

The Abstract for the Case discussion and Clinical Reasoning Session - the Trainees’ session should include:

  1. Introduction: brief background or short description of the clinical problem (disease/symptom)
  2. Case description with: essential findings, management, patient outcome and follow-up (with images if relevant and available)
  3. Conclusion: a rationale for the treatment used in the case management, a brief recall of similar cases in the literature (eg. how many re-ported), important practice points and/or clinical dilemmas connected to the case eg.:
    • What were the difficulties of the case the trainee faced
    • What was especially challenging about the case
    • What if questions eg. What if the patient was at different age? What if the patient/caregivers did not agree for the procedure etc.

We also advise the authors to use and be guided with the CARE guidelines for reporting the clinical cases

After acceptance authors will be notified on the form of the presentation: oral or e-poster.

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§1. General provisions

  1. The Lublin Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Days 2024, hereinafter referred to as Lublin PAG Days 2024, will be held on September 19-20, 2024 at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland at the Medical Simulation Center - Chodzki 4 Street, 20-093 Lublin.
  2. The PAG Days will be held in a hybrid form - on-site and remotely.
  3. The PAG Days is organized by the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Department of Medical Education, Medical Simulation Center and the Student Scientific Association at the Department of Pediatric and Ad-olescent Gynecology of the Medical University of Lublin.
  4. The conference is divided into 4 parts: a scientific session for medical stu-dents (Session 1 - Students’ session), a scientific session for doctors under-going specialization training (Session 3 - Trainees’ session), workshops (Session 2) and specialized lectures (Keynote Lecture and Sessions 4-7).
  5. Students' session is divided into oral presentations (Session 1) and a poster part in the form of digital posters that will be displayed in the main hall. Oral presentations and posters will be assessed by the Scientific Committee.
  6. Trainees' session (Session 3) was designed according to Case discussion and Clinical Reasoning Session. It consists of oral presentations of case reports presented by Trainees. Each case will be followed by the discussion with the input from other residents and experienced panelists. The presentations will be assessed by international experts.
  7. During Students' session and Trainees' session, it is possible to present paper in stationary and remote form. Details regarding remote presentations will be sent by e-mail two days before the PAG Days.
  8. The training part of Lublin PAG Days 2024 includes workshops (Session 2) organized by the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Department of Medical Education and the Medical Simulation Center of the Medical University of Lublin - detailed information and the workshop schedule will be announced on the official website: and its official fanpage on Facebook.
  9. Specialized lectures (Keynote Lecture and Sessions 4-7) are held in stationary form and via teletransmission in accordance with the PAG Days schedule. The organizers have the right to change the order of specialized lectures.
  10. All medical professionals, doctoral students and students of all health services from all years of study can take part in PAG Days.
  11. The conference fee is PLN 200 for medical professionals. Student participation is free of charge.
  12. The fee should be paid to the account number: PL96 1140 1094 0000 4210 7800 1014 - in PLN (mBank) or PL50 1020 3147 0000 8202 0084 6253 - in EUR (PKO BP S.A.). PKO BP S.A. - SWIFT: BPKOPLPW. In the transfer title, please enter: PAG Days, name and surname. The recipient is the Medical University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie 1 20-059 Lublin.
  13. Please send confirmation of the transfer of the conference fee to the organizer ( via e-mail no later than 19 th of September 2024, failure to confirm the transfer will result in the participant being removed from the list of participants.
  14. The maximum number of conference participants is 300 people.
  15. The official website of Lublin PAG Days 2024 is
  16. The official language of Lublin PAG Days 2024 is English.

§2. Scientific program of the Lublin PAG Days 2024

  1. The scientific part of the PAG Days consists of two scientific sessions referred to in §1, sections 5 and 6, divided into Students' session (Session 1) and Trainees' session (Session 3).
  2. The organizers reserve the right to combine sessions and possibly change session names depending on the number of submitted papers.
  3. Original papers and case reports will be qualified for the oral part of the Stu-dents' session, which will then be assessed by the Scientific Committee.
  4. A maximum of 24 scientific papers will be qualified for the oral part of the Students' session and will be selected by the Scientific Committee from among all the submitted papers.
  5. Participants will be informed about the qualification of their submissions by e-mail or via social media. The information will also be available on the official website of the Conference:
  6. The poster part of the Students' session may include original papers and case reports, which will be selected by the Scientific Committee.
  7. In case of numerous applications for the poster part, it will be divided into a maximum of 3 categories.
  8. When sending their papers, participants are obliged to specify its type and session affiliation in the form.
  9. Each type of research paper will be assessed using a specially prepared as-sessment card.
  10. The detailed program of Lublin PAG Days 2024 will be published on the offi-cial website:

§3. Conditions for registration and acceptance of abstracts of research paper

  1. Registration is possible via the registration form on the official website:
  2. Registration as a passive participant is possible until September 19th 2024.
  3. The deadline for submitting abstracts is August 30th, 2024. In the case of an extension of the deadline, the PAG Days organizers will inform participants about this fact by e-mail, as well as on the official website: and its official fanpage on Facebook.
  4. Abstracts should be sent in English to the following e-mail address: with annotation in the title: "Abstract for student session" or "Abstract for Resident session".
  5. Each abstract should contain:
    1. Title
    2. List of authors
    3. Name of the clinical supervisor in the case of paper submitted by stu-dents
    4. Affiliation
    5. Name of the corresponding author
  6. The maximum number of characters with spaces in the summary is 1000 characters without the title, authors, affiliation.
  7. The Abstract of the original research should include:
    1. Background
    2. Aim
    3. Materials and method
    4. Results
    5. Conclusions
    6. Each author's contribution to the study
  8. The Abstract of the case report should include:
    1. Introduction: brief background or short description of the clinical prob-lem (disease/symptom)
    2. Case description with: essential findings, management, patient out-come and follow-up (with images if relevant and available)
    3. Conclusion: a rationale for the treatment used in the case management, a brief recall of similar cases in the literature (eg. how many re-ported), important practice points and/or clinical dilemmas connected to the case
    We also advise the authors to use and be guided with the CARE guidelines for reporting the clinical cases.
  9. The Abstract for the Case discussion and Clinical Reasoning Session - the Trainees’ session should include:
    1. Introduction: brief background or short description of the clinical problem (disease/symptom)
    2. Case description with: essential findings, management, patient outcome and follow-up (with images if relevant and available)
    3. Conclusion: a rationale for the treatment used in the case management, a brief recall of similar cases in the literature (eg. how many re-ported), important practice points and/or clinical dilemmas connected to the case eg.:
      • What were the difficulties of the case the trainee faced?
      • What was especially challenging about the case?
      • What if questions eg.: What if the patient was at different age? What if the patient/caregivers did not agree for the procedure etc.?
    We also advise the authors to use and be guided with the CARE guidelines for reporting the clinical cases.
  10. After acceptance authors will be notified on the form of the presentation: oral or e-poster.
  11. The maximum number of characters with spaces in the abstract is 1000 characters. The number of characters of the abstract does not include the ti-tle, authors, guardian(s) or affiliation.
  12. One corresponding author may submit a maximum of 3 papers.
  13. The authors of the research paper in Students' session may be medical stu-dents or doctoral students. The authors of the research paper in Trainees' session can be residents of all specializations and students.
  14. A maximum of two supervisors can be provided.
  15. Only abstracts meeting the conditions set out in §3 will be accepted for presentation during Lublin PAG Days 2024.
  16. The organizers reserve the right to transfer accepted to another session.
  17. The author of the research paper will be informed about acceptance or rejec-tion, the assigned session and the form of presentation by September 6th, 2024.
  18. The decision to accept or reject the job is final.

§4. Principles and forms of presenting research papers

  1. The only acceptable form of presenting research paper is an oral presen-tation in English, as well as using a poster that will be displayed in the main hall during Lublin PAG Days 2024.
  2. Selected authors are obliged to prepare a multimedia presentation or a poster in English, depending on the selected session.
  3. The presentation should be prepared in an appropriate computer program and delivered during an appropriately assigned on-site session. All animations and sound files in presentations are included by the authors at their own risk.
  4. The presentation must be sent by the deadline of September 16, 2024. to the PAG Days e-mail address: with the name of the person presenting the paper, title of the research paper and session - possible files: pdf, ppt, pptx.
  5. The presenter is obliged to take part in a discussion in English after the presentation. Co-authors of the paper can also take part in the discussion.
  6. Presentations will take place in accordance with the schedule established by the Conference Organizing Committee.
  7. If the author presenting the paper is absent at the scheduled session time, the presentation will be moved to the end of the session.
  8. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes to the sched-ule of sessions.
  9. The duration of the presentation in Students' session is max. 8 minutes. 2 minutes are allocated for discussion after the presentation (applies to each type of paper).
  10. The duration of the presentation in Trainees' session is max. 15 minutes. 5 minutes are allocated for discussion after the presentation.
  11. If the agreed time limit for the presentation is exceeded, the session coordi-nator has the right to stop the presentation or end the discussion.
  12. The person presenting the paper will receive a Certificate (1 paper - 1 certificate).
  13. In the case of a poster session, the participant is obliged to prepare a poster in digital form. Please, prepare poster in 2000 pixels size, maximal size is 2000x1500 pixels.
  14. The e-poster must be sent by the deadline of September 16th, 2024. to the Conference e-mail address:
  15. There is no discussion during the poster session.
  16. All data on the format and extension of the poster file are available on the official website of the Conference: and its fanpage on Facebook.

§5. Rules for assessing research papers

  1. The presented papers will be assessed by the Lublin PAG Days 2024 Scientific Committee, appointed by the Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee, according to a uniform assessment card.
  2. The assessment of the Scientific Committee of the session is final.
  3. Based on the work of the Lublin PAG Days 2024 Scientific Committee, the 3 best presentations that received the highest number of points will be selected from each session.
  4. The winners of each session will receive a certificate of place and a prize.
  5. Certificates of participation will be issued in electronic form and sent by e-mail within 2 weeks from the end of the Conference.

§6. Accompanying events

  1. The following workshops will be held during Lublin PAG Days 2024:
    1. Workshop A: Simulation-based workshops - clinical scenarios (A Torres, A Vash-Margita, M Horodeńska, J Brodowska, G Witkowski)
    2. Workshop B: Skills lab - vessels suturing using animal tissues (P Ziober-Malinowska and the team)
    3. Workshop C: "Code Pink - a girl to be admitted: an interdisciplinary ap-proach” (J Krysa, R Ziętek, A Pieczykolan, T Baran, A Bień)

§7. Authors' rights

  1. 23. At the time of registration, an active participant of PAG Days declares that he or she is the creator of the paper submitted and is entitled to unlimited personal and property rights to the paper, and that the paper is not encumbered with the rights of third parties or infringes the copyrights of third parties.
  2. 24. In the case of co-authored paper, the Participant of PAG Days, at the time of registration, declares that he is a co-author of the paper he has submitted, has all the necessary consents from the co-authors, on whose behalf he certifies that he has unlimited personal and property rights to the paper and that the paper is not encumbered with the rights of third parties nor does it infringe the copyrights of third parties.

§8. Processing of personal data

  1. Pursuant to Art. 13 section 1 and 2 and art. 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of per-sonal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Di-rective 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), in con-nection with the implementation of the Conference, the Organizing Committee informs
    1. The administrator of Personal Data collected for the purpose of organizing the Conference is the Medical University of Lublin with its registered office at Al. Racławicki 1, 20-059 Lublin.
    2. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to achieve the purpose of processing, i.e. recruitment and participation in Lublin PAG Days 2024.
    3. The Medical University of Lublin, as the administrator of personal data, in-forms that the collected personal data will be processed solely for the pur-pose of carrying out the recruitment process and conducting conferences and competitions, as well as for statistical and archival purposes, as well as determining and pursuing possible claims in connection with the implemen-tation of legally justified interests. Data Administrator. The basis for pro-cessing the data of a person registering to participate in Lublin PAG Days 2024 (filling out and sending the registration form) is his or her consent, i.e. Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. Consent may be withdrawn at any time, and its withdrawal does not affect the legality of processing before its withdraw-al.The implementation of PAG Days is based on Art. 6 section 1 letter b) GDPR, i.e. the fact that it is necessary to perform the contract to which the participant is a party and activities prior to its conclusion, as well as Art. 6 section 1 letter c) GDPR - processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obliga-tion of the administrator and Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR - processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the ad-ministrator.
    4. The data will not be sold or made available to external entities, except for cases provided for by law and entities with which the Administrator has concluded appropriate contracts, e.g. in connection with the use of external services, including: in the field of IT, will also not be transferred to third countries and international organizations. They will be processed during the implementation of Lublin PAG Days 2024, as well as archiving documenta-tion after the end of Lublin PAG Days 2024, in accordance with legal regu-lations and University procedures, and in the case of possible claims, in pe-riods resulting from the provisions of general law. The data subject has the right to access his or her data, rectify it, and - in cases provided for by law - limit data processing, transfer data, and also has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority. The data will not be used for any other purpose, no automated decisions will be made based on them, and they will not be subject to profiling.
    5. The Personal Data Administrator has appointed a person supervising the correctness of personal data processing, who can be contacted at: or in writing to the Administrator's address.
    6. Part of Lublin PAG Days 2024 will be recorded and broadcast externally, and thus recorded and disseminated to control the implementation and placed on the university's websites and social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
    7. Authors of papers may express voluntary consent in the registration form to the publication of the following data: names and surnames of authors and supervisors, field and year of study, name of the university, title and affiliation of the research paper. With consent, this data may be included on the scorecards for the Scientific Committee and in the program and official media of Lublin PAG Days 2024: Facebook, Instagram and the official website.

§9. Final Provisions

  1. The Organizing Committee resolves disputes that are not regulated by these Regulations.
  2. Participation in Lublin PAG Days 2024 constitutes acceptance of these Regu-lations by the participant, including acceptance of the principles of personal data processing.
  3. By registering, the participant of Lublin PAG Days 2024 agrees to the pro-cessing of personal data for the purposes of the tasks of the Organizing Committee and the results of the competition on the official website: and its official fanpage on Facebook.
  4. The organizers are not responsible for participants' personal belongings that may be lost, destroyed or stolen during Lublin PAG Days 2024.
  5. Participants accept responsibility for damage caused during Lublin PAG Days 2024.
  6. The participant is obliged to comply with the currently applicable sanitary and epidemiological rules during Lublin PAG Days 2024.
  7. These Regulations enter into force on the day of their publication on the offi-cial website of Lublin PAG Days 2024:


Patronat honorowy 2

Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek

Patronat honorowy 1

Lublin Voivode Krzysztof Komorski

Patronat honorowy 3

Mayor of Lublin Krzysztof Żuk

Patronat honorowy 3

Polskie Towarzystwo Położnych

Patronat honorowy 2

Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek

Patronat honorowy 1

Lublin Voivode Krzysztof Komorski

Patronat honorowy 3

Mayor of Lublin Krzysztof Żuk

Patronat honorowy 3

Polskie Towarzystwo Położnych

Media patronage

Patronat honorowy 2

Polish Television TVP 3 Lublin

Patronat honorowy 1

Polish Radio Lublin

Patronat honorowy 2

Polish Television TVP 3 Lublin

Patronat honorowy 1

Polish Radio Lublin

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tel. +48 81 71 85 428